Spoiling myself at the salon

Finding a last minute gift for your adult daughter this year

by Keith Fox

As your kids get older it can be hard to find a Christmas gift that suits their needs and is something that they really like. Here are some ideas that can be really great for your adult daughter. 

A spa voucher

A spa voucher can be a great way to spoil an adult daughter, especially if she is a busy adult who doesn't get much time to herself. It can also be great as a gift of money can easily get eaten up by practical matters such as bills, whereas a gift voucher for a spa can only be used for the intended purpose and will give them some much-appreciated relaxation time. You can even make it a time that you can spend with her by getting a voucher for a spa day that you can do together. Being pampered and getting quality time together is a fantastic gift for Christmas. 

A voucher for home cleaning

Many busy young adults don't get the time to clean their homes. Life can feel extra chaotic when the house is messy so a gift of a house cleaning voucher can buy people some peace of mind as a well as some extra leisure time. You can even buy a couple of sessions so that they can get the house cleaned before the next time you visit, which may even prompt them to invite you over.

An IOU for a visit home

If your daughter has moved a long way from home, it can be expensive to make the trek back to see you for Christmas, particularly as airfares often peak during the Christmas period. You can make it easier for them to come and visit another less hectic time by giving them an IOU where you commit to buying them all or most of an off-peak ticket. This also lets them know that no matter what happens they'll get a chance to come home during the year and you can spend some quality time face-to-face without the pressure of other visitors and Christmas functions. 

No matter how old your children have become or where they live, your daughter will still have a special place in your heart. When it comes to Christmas time the best gift that you can give an adult daughter is the gift of spending some time relaxing, whether that is through a spa voucher, a professional home cleaning voucher, or a flight IOU. 
