Spoiling myself at the salon

  • What to Know About Body Tightening Methods at Your Local Salon

    16 November 2018

    One of the major issues many people have with aging is loose skin and sagging skin on the face and neck. There are many options for taking care of these issues. The most common options are surgery or an injection that can tighten skin. Though these are the most common methods, spas and salons are now moving towards body tightening methods that are less invasive. Here are a few of those methods and what you need to know about each one.

  • 6 Proven Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

    28 June 2018

    If you are feeling sore or worn out, it's important to remember that your body is a very complex web of muscles, muscles which can quickly atrophy and tighten up slowly over timeā€”so slowly that you may not even realise. This problem sneaks up on many people and can lead to problems like having muscles which are so small, tight, and unused due to their irrelevance in modern day activities that they fester and cause unnatural imbalances.