Spoiling myself at the salon

  • Remedial Massage And Scar Tissue: What To Know

    11 August 2022

    While your body creates scar tissue as part of the healing process, this tissue can create some physical discomfort and pain. When scar tissues form, they don't necessarily work the same way as other tissues in your body. Your body can't replicate original tissues during this process. Sometimes, you can use alternative treatments to reduce the negative effects of scar tissues. For example, remedial massage techniques have some success here. What do you need to know about how this process works?

  • More Than Just Muscles: Remedial Massage Therapy for Mental Health

    15 July 2021

    Remedial massage therapy is often thought of in terms of muscle injuries and targeted physical pain, and it's certainly effective in those cases. Did you know that it can also be offered as a treatment for many mental health conditions? It can form part of a treatment regime for anxiety, depression, fatigue, stress and addiction recovery. But how exactly does it treat these conditions, and what effects and benefits can a patient expect to see?

  • An Overview Of 4 Popular Types Of Manicures

    21 February 2020

    If you like the idea of getting your nails done but feel a bit overwhelmed with the many types of manicure available, have no fear. There's a perfect manicure for everyone, and you don't need to wing it while trying to find a style you like. Here's an overview of four popular types of manicures. Gel Gel manicures start with your nail technician filing, buffing and massaging your hands with hand cream to soothe your nails, clean the cuticles and soften your skin.

  • What to Know About Body Tightening Methods at Your Local Salon

    16 November 2018

    One of the major issues many people have with aging is loose skin and sagging skin on the face and neck. There are many options for taking care of these issues. The most common options are surgery or an injection that can tighten skin. Though these are the most common methods, spas and salons are now moving towards body tightening methods that are less invasive. Here are a few of those methods and what you need to know about each one.

  • 6 Proven Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

    28 June 2018

    If you are feeling sore or worn out, it's important to remember that your body is a very complex web of muscles, muscles which can quickly atrophy and tighten up slowly over timeā€”so slowly that you may not even realise. This problem sneaks up on many people and can lead to problems like having muscles which are so small, tight, and unused due to their irrelevance in modern day activities that they fester and cause unnatural imbalances.

  • Manicure Suggestions to Try During Your Next Salon Visit

    23 October 2017

    Getting a professional manicure can make your nails look their best, and also keep them healthy and strong, as a professional nail technician can add products that strengthen and nourish nails. A manicure at a salon can also include a treatment for the hands, for relaxation and healthy skin. When you're ready to schedule a salon visit, note a few manicure suggestions you might discuss with your nail technician, so your hands and nails always look stunning.

  • File Your Nails Perfectly With These Top Tips

    22 February 2017

    The way your hands look can cause someone to form an immediate impression about you. That's why knowing how to file your nails perfectly is so important, especially if you're about to venture out on a first date. Here's how to file your nails correctly to achieve a perfect result. Tips on how to file your nails correctly for perfect results Always use a soft nail file or emery board for filing your nails.

  • Finding a last minute gift for your adult daughter this year

    19 December 2016

    As your kids get older it can be hard to find a Christmas gift that suits their needs and is something that they really like. Here are some ideas that can be really great for your adult daughter.  A spa voucher A spa voucher can be a great way to spoil an adult daughter, especially if she is a busy adult who doesn't get much time to herself. It can also be great as a gift of money can easily get eaten up by practical matters such as bills, whereas a gift voucher for a spa can only be used for the intended purpose and will give them some much-appreciated relaxation time.